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This burglar alarm has infinite range, so you only need one per lot. It is usually invisible, and does not have to be placed against a wall. You can use it with the "Burglar Plant" from liugnosixplants to make extra money, or you can use it in a "house" that has no walls at all. In fact, that's why it was created.

That snotty message from the wall tool that says "without walls, you'd just have a bunch of furniture on a lawn"? That message inspired me to make wall-free alarms and no-privacy toilets and several other things....

This fire alarm has infinite range, so you only need one per lot. It is usually invisible, and does not have to be placed against a wall. You can use it in a "house" that has no walls at all. In fact, that's why it was created.

That snotty message from the wall tool that says "without walls, you'd just have a bunch of furniture on a lawn"? That message inspired me to make wall-free alarms and no-privacy toilets and several other things....

NOTE 2006: the original version had a bug that created new relationships; this has been fixed.

This is my old blue phone from my Yahoo group, updated to be less of a cheat. The old version raised the relationship of anybody you knew to 57; unlike the soshdkmotel painting, it did not lower relationships that were higher.

This version simply adds 1 twice daily to all short-term relationships of everybody on the lot; that means that visitors also have their relationships increased. Townies, unhoused, everything but NPCs, have their relationships with people on the lot increased, but not enough to prevent relationship decay, just to slow it. The relationship boost is reciprocal, so people on the lot get twice as much boost, which completely stops decay.

If you want a cheat that actually increases relationships, put several on the lot; putting 30 blue phones on a Studiotown lot will make you friends with all the stars in no time. Old and new features include a visible alarm when the phone is ringing, in case you play with sound off, and the ability to call friends even if they have no phone or are at work, or even if it is a bad time of day. I have probably forgotten some of the features.

It is based on the original Sims table phone, so you can't call a cab or other advanced features, but it works with any combination of expansion packs.

NOTE 2006: People liked this object more than I expected. In fact, you could call it a favorite. contains two objects. GnoBubbles

GnoBubbles is a bunch of bubbles that floats around your lot at random. Why would you want it? I guess you'll just have to try it and find out!


GnoGnome is a buyable garden gnome, a sinister looking little fella, ain't he? Rumor has it that the gnomes harbor a secret ambition of ruling the world, and are just waiting until they build up their strength.


If a rebellion should happen, you might find that there is more than one way to end it.


Bubble droppings come in more than one flavor, and some are uncommon. Bugs

This is a rather complicated set of objects, involving the coordination of three types of animated objects (bubbles, gnome, and Sim).

Please report any bugs by email to; I hope that there are no bugs, although there are things about it that don't quite satisfy me. Mention what expansion packs you have installed.

This Gnohmonic Z-80 Computer is cheap and unbreakable, and comes with CP/M, WordStar, Collossal Cave, and a blazing fast built-in 1200 baud modem and built-in 3 page per second dot matrix printer for your homework.

You'll discover that you can find more jobs, study more quickly, and have more fun without popups and advertisements! With no pictures or sound, you can absorb more information from the words on the screen!

You get your own copy of the extended version of the Crowther and Woods "Colossal Cave" adventure game (from CP/MUG volume 57), which is more fun than any computer game produced in the last twenty-five years.

And, speaking of twenty-five years, this ain't your granddad's Z80; this modern Z80 runs hundreds of times faster than a Z80A, has many 64KB banks of memory for fast task-switching, and is equipped with a 100 megabyte disk that you'll never be able to fill up; and all for the incedibly low price of 99 Simoleons.

NOTE 2006: Unemployed Sims will voluntarily get a job. The way the "jobs" thing was done turns out to be heavily weighted towards jobs from earlier expansion packs.

Gnohmon©2006 MistyMage©2006