"Waaaaahhh!!!!" The tiny red newborn screamed at the shock of leaving his warm dark home so rudely.

Zelda lay back trembling. She was exhausted after hours of laboring but she was so happy to see her baby.

Palousa handed the swaddled infant to Zelda who pressed him to her breast. The little one eagerly began nursing.

"I'll leave you now. Rest and when you need some thing, just pull the bellcord and I or someone else will come" Then Palousa trotted out of the room.

"Well, my little man, what should I name you? Tradition says you should be named in some way after your father..." Here Zelda paused and sighed. "I think that tradition will be followed. I name thee... Falcon." She kissed her son on his forehead and traced a Sigil on his cheek. Then she lay back and fell asleep.

The centaur Palousa peeked in and saw that all was well. She returned to the common room and spoke to Starlight.

"She's sleeping and so is the babe. Poor girl..I'm glad you found her and brought her here. Her gold has transformed the village and so has her smile. If I ever meet the infamous Hawk..well, I might need a little restraining. Imagine leaving a sweet girl like Zelda for a princess." She would have continued her tirade but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

A fairy came swooshing in a flurry of dust. She landed on the table and began chattering to Starlight. "More villages have been raided! Three to the East and one to the North! The Council has decided enough is enough! They have sent out a call for all to be ready to fight! The city of Seawood is to be burned and the city leaders to be hung!" As abruptly as she had arrived she left.

Shaking his head, Starlight began gathering his weapons. Palousa bustled about her kitchen, putting together travel rations and medicine bags.

Neither one looked at the other. A grim silence hung in the room. This fight had been brewing for years but the reality of war was a shock to the peace loving centaurs.

Finally, when there wasn't anything left for them to do, they met in the middle of the room. Starlight reached out and tenderly touched Palousa's cheek. Her arms wrapped around his waist and they became one. Soft nickers filled the room as they tried to hold on forever.

A sudden pop from the fire broke the moment and they pulled apart.

Then with one last glance Starlight gathered his things and left his home.

Palousa waited until he was out of hearing, then collapsed onto the dirt floor. Tears raced across her face but no sound came from her lips. Starlight was her mate and centaurs mate for life. A special bond was created at joining and it meant that at the death of one... the death of the other.

A sudden resolve washed over her. Regaining her hooves, she went into Zelda's room and gently woke her.

"War has been declared and Starlight has gone to fight. The thought of just standing here, waiting to die is too unbearable. I'm going to go too. While I can't fight I can help with the wounded."

Zelda looked up from gazing at her newborn son and nodded to Palousa. "I understand. We'll be fine. I only wish that there was somethng I could do. May the fates be kind to you and Starlight."

Palousa bent over and gave Zelda a hug and stroked the downy hair on Falcon's head. Then she turned and left the room. A few minutes later Zelda heard the front door shut and she knew she was alone. A small whimper reminded her that she wasn't completely alone.

"Well sweet one, now what? We can't stay here, Seawood is going to be chaos on earth... maybe it's time to go home." A melancholy look flashed across her face. She didn't know if she coud stand being in the same kingdom as Hawk.. let alone Sweetcheeks!

With a small sigh Zelda snuggled her nursling closer and fell asleep.

A week later she was read to leave. Reports of how the war was going had filtered back via the wounded. The intruding humans had rallied a force of huge numbers in proportion to the natives. Half of Seawood had been burned to the ground. Only due to a sudden downpour had the rest been saved. A proclamation from Seawood's council said that only the complete annihilation of all mystical creatures would end the war.

A small escort took Zelda to the edge of the forest where she could just see and smell the ocean and hear the sound of fighting at Seawood. After tearful hugs and good-byes, Zelda carried Falcon down a path towards the quay. She hoped to find a ship to take her back to Baldur.

Carefully walking with caution, Zelda strode toward Seawood. The path was slippery wih ocean moisture and uneven from tree roots.

Just as she reached the first weathered building, the sound of an angry mob grew loud. Zelda smashed herself up against the wall and held Falcon closely. She peered around the corner and saw a seething mass of humanity.In the front of the crowd were 2 centaurs that had ropes tethering them to each other.

A small gasp escaped from Zelda's throat. It was Palousa and StarLight! Horror almost made her faint but a steely resolve spread through her quickly. No way would she just stand by and allow her friends to die.

Zelda looked around desperately for something to serve as a distraction. Her eyes fell on a heap of dried out nets flung up agaist the side of the building. Quickly she cut a length of it and used that to fashion a sling to hold Falcon on her. Next she pulled out her fire starting kit and struck a spark on to the pile of nets.

It smoldered for a moment then went up in a flash. As the nets grew to ash the building began to char and then it too caught hold.

Zelda ran around the building and began pushing her way through the crowd. Falcon mewed as someone shoved Zelda back. Picking a different path she soon was at the front of the crowd. She grasped her knife and waited.

Just as the executioner was ready to loose an arrow into the centaurs a shout from the rear of the crowd came. The cry of fire swelled and the crowd began to scatter..some to fight the fire and others who just ran away.

Zelda edged forward, prepared to fight the guards who still stood next to Palousa and StarLight.

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