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Mad Bug Tute by

I recently discovered how much fun Flaming Text can be from MsLaurlou at MSLAURALOU"S NEWSGROUP, so I had to share the fun with you!!
Here's step by step instructions on making a "mad bug"! (Of course you can make a happy bug, or just your name, etc..

1.) Go to On the opening page you will see a list of options.
2.) Click on Headings
There is a sidebar filled with options on the RIGHT side of the screen. Scroll down to the green heading-Animations. Under it you will see Alien-Glow. Click it.
3.) Back at the top of the page. You have to get your Font.You will see a drop down menu for fonts. Click it, and SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN until you see the option, "more fonts". Click it
4.)You Will see an alphabetical list of all of the fonts available. Choose the LETTER D.
5.)There will now be a drop-down menu for the D fonts. Scroll down to the one titled "DNTBUGME"
6.)Click the box that says "Use Font"
7.)You will be taken to the page that you started on. Your font sould show up in the example box.
8.)Since you're making a "mad bug" you have to only type the capital letter T into the box where you put your text.
9.)Now choose your colors. (I chose Yellow and Orange for the outlines.)
10.)For the glow color, I chose a color from the opposite side of the color wheel. (Purple)
11.)The font size needs to be big, so you can see what you've made. I chose 80
12.)For number of frames, I chose 4.
13.)For the frame rate, I chose 150.(This is just how fast your glow will flash.)
14.)Press Create Logo. Voilą. There's your "mad bug"!
Boy~ He's glowing mad, huh?? This concludes my tute. Have fun. Flaming Text has Tons of fonts to play with. The options are endless. Play around and use your creativity...

Please try other things. Flaming Text has tons of fonts to play with. Click the blue word "FONT" on the page you were playing on. This will bring you to an alphebetical list of all of their fonts. There are Char Sets, so you can choose what you want to use. Have fun!!

**The DNTBUGME font was created by Jeff, at JEFF'S FONTS Check his site out for more fun and exciting fonts & dings!

This Tute was created by ..I'm merely saving it for posterity...since the original was deleted.
