Kraak considered the request, then with a nod and a grunt of assent, extended his hand towards Hawk.

Hawk was prepared... he merely grinned as Kraak used his considerable strength to try and crush Hawk's hand.

Having passed the Ogre's test, they both stripped down and donned their itty bitty breech cloths. Hawk looked like a maiden's dream come true... the less said of Kraak the better.

The two comrades in arms strode out of the tent and headed for the field. Snickers and howls of laughter issued forth from the crowd of people. Hawk turned red but Kraak smiled and waved at the crowd.

There was a large turnout of fighters for this contest. More than 30 seasoned warriors looking for the good life ( if not a good wife).

The Marshall stepped forward and proclaimed " My good men, good luck to you all! May the best man win!"

Pages scurried about, daubing each contestant with grease. Once all were suitably slick and sick ( the grease was rancid ) the horns sounded and the melee began.

Hawk jumped into the fray and clubbed any who was in his way. Sweat and grease glistened off his body. He thought to himself " Hey, this isn't too bad!"

Then a large red-haired warrior kicked him in the stomach.

What little breakfast Hawk had managed to eat came up and festooned the fighting field.

Hawk gasped and then returned the favor by sweeping the warrior's feet out from under him and then delivered an elbow to his chest.

All over the field men were grunting and smacking sweaty greasy bodies against one another. Slowly but surely fewer and fewer remained standing. Guards dragged those unconscious to the sides where physics were administered.

The crowds were hoarse from cheering on favorites. This was the most exciting tourney any had ever seen. A bar room brawl of epic proportion.

On the field were 5 men. Kraak, Hawk, a slender lad by the name of Josh, a warrior named Blade and one named Blackoak. The rest had all been vanquished.

Hawk eyed the lad but dismissed him..he stretched his muscles and prepared to take on Blade. Kraak was engaged in a match with Blackoak.

Hawk grunted as Blade slammed his knee into Hawk's stomach. Agony surged through his body. As tough a warrior as he was, this was just too much. Luckily the stenchy grease made it impossible for Blade to hold on for more than one move.

After wiping the sweat from his eyes, Hawk grabbed his opponent by his right arm and tripped him with his right leg. Then he proceded to slug Blade insensible.

Meanwhile Kraak had been having a good time smashing up both Blackoak and Josh. Even combined, they were no match for the Ogre.

Now it was just Kraak and Hawk. Kraak was bigger, Hawk was smarter. The crowd was flew as bets were laid.

Princess Sweetcheeks licked her lips...

Zelda ran from the field crying bitterly... for if Hawk won, she lost and if he lost, she still lost.

The Ogre and the Warrior faced each other and saluted one another. They faced the Princess and bowed. They faced the crowd and yelled chilling war cries. Hawk was stalling for time to recover a little and Kraak was merely copying him.

This was it. The moment that Hawk had waited for all his life. The last match before his retirement.

Would fate make a mockery of Hawk once again?

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